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Who should be managing your parking garage?

Your car park is an extremely valuable asset and like any asset which contributes substantially to your bottom-line, it needs to be managed by an experienced parking management operator

1. who knows the industry

2. who knows how to ‘read’ your operation to identify loopholes within the system

3. who knows how to extract optimal value from it

4. who has an expert understanding of parking equipment technology, particularly of all the latest parking payment options

5. who maintains your asset in a manner which will optimise its value

6. who provides high-end customer service that supports your brand


In other words your parking asset should be professionally managed by an operator who has the relevant, specialised expertise. Just as corporate landlords would not hire a landscaping company to manage the cleaning of their shopping mall, so too should they think very carefully before hiring security staff to manage their parking facilities. And yes, we have seen this happen.


The best advice
The best piece of advice I can give you after 30 years in the parking industry, 13 of which have been as CEO of Karabo Parking Management, is to select a service provider whose sole focus is parking. Not landscaping and parking. Or
cleaning and parking. Or security and parking. Select a service provider who specialises in parking management.


In 2024, parking operations are no longer about battered looking booms, ticket dispensers which have seen better days, staff who cannot communicate easily with customers, payment machines which spit out handfuls of five-rand coins as change. Parking technology has advanced incredibly fast. As parking operators we have to be fully up to speed with fast-changing hardware, sophisticated software, digitised client reporting mechanisms, ‘smart’ facility management, apps and marketing.

A specialised field
Our managers on the ground need to be technically skilled and highly informed as to ALL the above; need to be equipped with excellent communication skills; must be able to think on their feet with agility and flexibility; need to manage staff skilfully, and handle cash at their site with the utmost integrity and transparency.


Parking management is, more than ever, a specialised field. As a dedicated parking operator, we don’t dilute the expertise we bring to the management and revenue-generation of your parking asset. We are skilled at providing carefully tailored solutions for each and every parking facility. This ensures increased numbers of parkers, return customers and a steadily growing income stream. PLUS an asset which will add immense value to your bottom-line.


Parking should be something you never have to worry about. We make sure of that, because we know how to. It’s our field of expertise.

Hannes Botha
CEO: Karabo Parking Management
August 2024

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